2008年2月26日 星期二


Did I say loudly to all that how much I love my husband and family?


There might be a HUGE event occurring in the very near future to my family.
It is great, and challenging~

My husband will depart for Cupertino tomorrow noon, and come back on Sunday.

Helen Keller:
(The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.)

2 則留言:

妡媽 提到...

If you need any help, please let me know.

Unknown 提到...

謝謝大嫂, 跑去依賴娘家媽媽.... 哈~
陳志仁很辛苦ㄋㄟ.., 4天內時差變來變去~